Faiz is a creative futurist who has been paying it forward as a career long entrepreneur, investor, artist, activator, collector, and lifelong humanitarian. He is the OG Co-Founder of Highvibe Network and has been consistently building for five years with a clear vision of what we are seeing unravel in real-time: a world where technology is impacting human life more than ever before. His dharma is to build a new economy that fundamentally uplifts the human experience, not extracts from it, and to make this abundant ecosystem feel like play. With strong economic frameworks that allow participants to flourish as our new economic systems emerge.
Faiz has been called by many, “a technologist with a soul”, and is widely recognized for building solutions that no one else can see are possible, ones that empower individuals and the collective as a whole. Faiz is called to work at the intersection of Web3 and Consciousness, which is one of the highest level playing fields that will ultimately define the course of human history. It’s clear that within the next decade, technology (namely deep learning and AI) will outpace human intelligence. It is our responsibility to create harmony within that. To enable technology to see the best of humanity, and for it to naturally multiply in alignment with our well-being.
Faiz draws his passion and North Star from a philosophy of using our genius to support the collective. Inspired by deep experiences with meditation, sitting in sacred ceremony with indegenous wisdom carriers. All the way to the cutting edge three-dimensional manifesting of industry changing partnerships. Faiz stays grounded in the knowledge that we as humans can and will always figure out a way to improve the state of the world. Over and over again like a dance… Especially now that we have the most innovative tools and evolved consciousness to do so.